Influencer marketing can seem to be pretty interesting. To pull off a successful Influencer Marketing campaign you need to work with the right social media influencers. So you might be asking yourself how do i reach out to influencers. How much is it going to cost me? And Is it actually going to bring me sales? Today I’m going to explain in this article how to set up an influencer marketing campaign.

1. Set Up Your Campaign Goal

The first step is to ask yourself what your goal is and why do you want to work with an influencer. Now obviously making more sales is a big one but there are other options that you might not have thought about. The more common goals are to build brand awareness and strengthen brand image, to increase your social media engagement or you could focus on improving conversions like newsletter subscribers, free trial signups and email list building.

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2.Defining Your Budget

The next step is to set aside a Budget. If you’re an independent business owner it might be really tempting to just skip this step. But keeping track of your expenses is going to help you to understand whether your campaign left you in the red or in the green. If you want to pay your influencers in product I find it really easy to just calculate your campaign by figuring out your cost per influencer. To start i would recommend starting small so that you can see if influencer marketing is the right fit for your business or no.

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3. Finding The Right Influencers

Now you are going to decide whether you want to use nano or micro influencers, mid-size influencers or large influencers. There’s pros and cons to each. Working with top tier influencers is super exciting because of their reach and their content could immediately impact your business positively if their audience is engaged and relevant to your business. But keep in mind as influencers grow they do tend to lose connection to their audience and their niche might start to Dilute. Just because they have a large audience doesn’t necessarily mean that their audience will convert for you if their audience is primarily in australia and you don’t even ship there. Then their 1 million followers aren’t much use to you. Hence don’t just look at the numbers rather make sure that it’s the right fit. So you can ask for screenshots of their Analytics so that you can look at the demographics of their audience and you want to make sure that you’re doing this.

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   There is one tool called Dovetail to find right influencer. It’s a pretty robust platform to help you find Instagramers and Youtubers and you can search based on specific Keywords, locations, niches and audiences. You can even send influencers a message straight from Dovetail which has saved me a lot of time in the past. They normally have a 7 day free trial

4. Reaching Out Influencers

Where you actually start reaching out to influencers? So here’s the part where a lot of people get tripped up because they get nervous. They don’t know what to say they feel intimidated by the fact that these people have a lot of followers but here’s a little piece of advice. The hype is always less than what you think. It is if someone has 50000 followers and you’re imagining that they’re getting 100 likes a day they’re probably getting only five likes a day. First introduce yourself to influencer then establish connection with that influencer. Tell them exactly why you’re reaching out next you’ll softly explain your expectations. Through Dovetail you can send message to Influencer directly and interested and available influencer will contact you. Influencer cart and Shoutcart are other two platforms to reach out to a perfect influencer.

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5. Deciding How You’ll Create Content With An Influencer

So next you want to negotiate the terms of the relationship this could happen in an exchange of friendly emails back and forth. It doesn’t have to be anything serious like a contract but as long as you’re having a paper trail that’s enough. The type of content they’ll create maybe, influencer to make meme and post it to his instagram or maybe he want to record a video talking about our brand. You can request him to post story or write article in his blog.,etc. Share your business details correctly with Influencer in order to design creative content about your business.  Important thing is you need to give timeline to complete the creative content.

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6. Managing Your Relationships And Tracking The Results

Stay organized with your campaigns and tracks your results like i said you want to start small at the beginning to see if influencer marketing is going to work for your business but managing 10 relationships at a time is still A lot to keep track of. If you’re maintaining relationships with many influencers at a time you can use a free tool called Hubspot. Here you can make notes of people’s social media handles shipping addresses and when shipments were sent you can write down the results that the influencers brought to you here. Once your campaign is over measure results against your initial goal at this point you can see if you want to work with these influencers again and keep those relationships going you.

These six steps will help you to launch an Influencer Marketing Campaign for your business. Some industries will be better suited for influencer marketing and some will be better suited for Facebook ads. Influencer marketing isn’t really working for you then remember that you’re keeping up to date with your digital marketing education.